03 March 2025

Central and Shape

The new and updated features for the 4.46 release are as follows:

SCO Curriculum Planner
Header Business Impact Affected Topics

Curriculum Planner Grid

Various columns are now available on the Curriculum Planner for institutions in Scotland. All fields are read-only except Projected Enrolments.

Curriculum Planner

Curriculum Planner Credits Calculation

The following fields are calculated fields for Scotland's Curriculum Planner. These fields are read-only and are populated only when a recalculation is performed:

  • Credits per enrolment equivalent = Planned learning hours / Credit conversion rate

  • Class size = Projected enrolments / Number of groups

  • Gross credits = Projected enrolments x Credits per enrolment

  • Monetary equivalent = Gross credits x Price group value

The 1215 Curriculum Total Credits Calculation workflow is used to calculate these fields when Recalculate is selected.

Curriculum Planner

Institution settings for Curriculum Planner

The following options are available in the Curriculum Planner Institution Settings for institutions in Scotland:

  • Default planning year

  • Control CP User Deletion of Fees and Qual Aims

  • Maximum records returned from a search

  • Message box on course update error

  • Message box on course update warning

  • Maximum course limit for each plan

Curriculum Planner

Superclass and Price group mapping

Superclass and price group mapping has been established for Scotland to support curriculum credit calculations. This mapping uses superclass codes that represent the academic subject area of each course.

No user interface is available for this process. Instead, the mapping is implemented through XML and is loaded during installation.

Not applicable

Plan Hierarchy

The Plan Hierarchy implementation follows the existing Curriculum Planner structure. Staff can create, update, rearrange nodes, and delete plan hierarchies.

Not applicable

Header Business Impact Affected Topics

Added Show on-screen help icon property in designer column details

A new control, Show on-screen help icon, allows customization of hint text display. Hint text can now appear directly over a field or as a help icon.

Manage Data Columns

Designer Import changes

In Designer, when using Import, the Import page as copy of original setting is now checked by default. If this setting is unchecked, additional checks ensure that imported data links do not conflict with other Designer pages, helping to prevent configuration data corruption.

Screen and Page Functionality

Designer Screen Search

A search function has been added to the Screens List in Designer. Type a search term and press enter to select the next matching screen in the list.

ontrack Designer Screen

Header Business Impact Affected Topics

Exams Manager: Register usage type with absent flag column

A new column, Mark absent on exam in the reference data for Register Usage Codes enables the Absent field in Exam Entries to be updated when a learner is marked as absent for an exam register in ebs: ontrack Hub.

This eliminates the need to update two systems and streamlines the collection of exam register data in ebs.

Register Usage Codes

Markbook Verification: Add Sampled column to Outcomes grid in Central

The new Sampled column in Markbook Verification (New) in ebs: ontrack Hub can also be viewed and edited in the Outcomes grid in ebs: central.

Not applicable

Curriculum Planner: Funding Model 32 V1

A new funding model, Funding Model 32 V1, is available. The funding model adds the EFA Funding Calculations FY 32 v1 to the Workflow > TriggersCustom Triggers > Curriculum Planner > EFA Funding Calculations.

Not applicable

Enrolment: Enrolled child UIO will be rolled forward and it will be linked to the source UIO parent.

If you try to roll a child course forward onto another child course for the next year, and the parent of the original course has not been rolled forward, the child course will attach to the parent of the original course instead of its own parent. Parent courses must be rolled forward before child courses to ensure correct functionality.

To highlight cases where child courses have been rolled forward with an incorrect parent, the Activity Viewer has been updated to notify these cases. Previously, the roll-forward process displayed either a success message or an error message.

  • The error message has now been updated to include warnings in addition to errors.

  • In cases where the parent hasn’t been rolled forward and a user tries to roll the child record forward first, a warning will appear in both the progress message and the activity viewer. The roll-forward will still proceed, but the warning will explain that the child enrolment has been linked to the incorrect parent, and it will list the learner’s person code where this occurred.

Not applicable

Learner Details: 50-character surname is allowed in EBS Central

ebs: ontrack Learner Hub previously allowed a 50-character surname, while ebs: central allowed only 32 characters. Now, both ebs central and ebs: ontrack Learner Hub allow a 50-character surname.

Not applicable

Curriculum Manager: Editability of Secondary Length column

You can configure the editability of the Secondary Length column in Curriculum Manager for regions outside of Australia.

Not applicable

Exam Entries: P_PERSONAL_EMAIL column in EBS_EXAM_ENTRIES view

P_PERSONAL_EMAIL column was added against EBS_EXAM_ENTRIES view so that staff can customise the Exam Entries grid.

Not applicable

Clients: Central and Shape username field will be blank on first launch after the upgrade

After upgrading to this release, the ebs: central and ebs: shape username fields will be blank due to a change in how login details are saved and loaded. This behaviour will occur only on the first launch after the upgrade. However, login details will be remembered after a successful login.

Not applicable